We truly believe that if we are alive, it is for the purpose of fruitful labor (Philippians 1:22). Jesus Christ measures greatness in terms of service, not status. ECDM offers Service Opportunities that fit your talent, passion, and schedule.

What We Do


We are working hard proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through various channels, reaching the lost, welcoming, and gathering them into the body of Christ. We are sharing the uncompromised Truth of Christ, bearing witness, and promoting biblical literacy.


We are leading souls to commit their lives to GOD, helping them grow in their faith, equipping and shepherding them into a fuller and mature understanding of the Christian faith.


We are sending disciples into the world to continue the mission of seeking, welcoming and gathering souls into the body of Christ.

How We Do It


The purpose of this community is to lead men to Christ and disciple them towards finding the fullness of their potential in Christ. It is to help them develop spiritually, draw closer to God, and become leaders, “not only in their families,” but in their sphere of influence and be the true leaders God attended them to be, as they follow the most excellent man, “JESUS CHRIST.”  


we help connect people to Christ through prayer. This Ministry aims to teach and lead the church in individual and corporate prayer. We will not seek our own will through our efforts, but we will humbly come before God with a repentant heart seeking His will. We submit to Jesus Christ as the Head of the church and will strive to obey His command that His church be called a House of Prayer.


This is a growing women community comprised of women of all ages. The “Wise Virgins” also value developing an abiding relationship with the Lord and each other. We host a small group every month and organize social activities that provide for the unique needs of women and encourage relationship building. God has given us a great venue to share His love and grace.


EndTime Kids is an exciting and inspirational place where kids can experience the freedoms of fun while intentionally growing their relationship with Jesus Christ. Founded on Colossians 2:2-3, we are passionate about the knowledge, as well as the wonder of God. Every day, your child will leave with a sense of astonishment at who God is. We have programs available for them on Saturdays


ECDM’s Social Outreach seeks to advance the Kingdom of God’s goal to restore the bruised and empower them to achieve individual and community transformation The Ministry’s focus is ministering to the incarcerated, caring for the sick and afflicted, and entering community areas to establish prayer stations and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition, we conduct community projects including but not limited to feeding, clothing, educating, and supporting the needy.

Domestic/International Evangelism

We reach out to the lost by (Mark 16 vs. 15). preaching/teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, Our Savior. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28 vs. 19-20).


ECDM goal is to instill and help equip youth with a firm foundation of who God is and who they are through Him. We want our youth to know God deeply and personally to build upon this foundation of faith throughout their lives. This space is for anyone between the ages of 12 to young adults. We hope to see your teenagers and young adults here with us!


We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts (Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:16, 3:8; Titus 3:5; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 16:31; Hebrews 9:22).